Chai Assertions for Nock

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Nock Chai extends Chai with a language for asserting facts about Nock.

Instead of manually wiring up your expectations to intercepting a nocked request:

const nockedRequest = nock('http://some-url');

nockedRequest.on('request', function(req, interceptor, body) {
  expect(body).to.deep.equal({ hello: 'world' });

you can write code that expresses what you really mean:

return expect(nock('http://some-url')).to.have.been.requestedWith({
  hello: 'world'


npm install chai-nock

Then add to your test setup:

const chai = require('chai');
const chaiNock = require('chai-nock');




Asserts that a request has been made to the nock.

it('requested', () => {
  const requestNock = nock('')

    uri: '',

  return expect(requestNock).to.have.been.requested;


Asserts that a request has been made to the nock with a body that exactly matches the object provided.

it('requestedWith', () => {
  const requestNock = nock('')

    json: true,
    uri: '',
    body: {
      hello: 'world'

  return expect(requestNock).to.have.been.requestedWith({ hello: 'world' });


Asserts that a request has been made to the nock with headers that exactly match the object provided.

it('requestedWithHeaders', () => {
  const requestNock = nock('')

    json: true,
    uri: '',
    headers: {
      myHeader: 'myHeaderValue'

  return expect(requestNock).to.have.been.requestedWithHeaders({
    host: '',
    accept: 'application/json',
    myHeader: 'myHeaderValue'


Asserts that a request has been made to the nock with headers that contain the key/value pairs in the object provided.

it('requestedWithHeadersMatch', () => {
  const requestNock = nock('')

    json: true,
    uri: '',
    headers: {
      myHeader: 'myHeaderValue',
      otherHeader: 'otherHeaderValue'

  return expect(requestNock).to.have.been.requestedWithHeadersMatch({
    myHeader: 'myHeaderValue'

Setting a Timeout

  • By default, a timeout of 2 seconds is applied to assertions on nock requests. This means that if nock has not intercepted the request within the set time, the assertion will be false
  • You can set a custom global timeout by calling setTimeout on the chaiNock object: ```javascript const chaiNock = require(‘chai-nock’);

chai.use(chaiNock); // Set a timeout of 10 seconds chaiNock.setTimeout(10000);

* WARNING: If not set already, the test timeout must be greater than that of chaiNock! 


const { expect } = require('chai');
const nock = require('nock');
const request = require('request-promise-native');

describe('example', () => {
  it('test', () => {
    const requestNock = nock('')

      json: true,
      uri: '',
      body: {
        hello: 'world'

    return expect(requestNock).to.have.been.requestedWith({ hello: 'world' });